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Corneliu Porumboiu

Corneliu Porumboiu

  • Romanian director, born in 1975 in Vaslui (Romania).

    The son of an international football referee, young Corneliu Porumboiu dreamed of becoming a football star. He eventually turned to the cinema, but never lost this first passion, which he evokes years later in two documentaries: Al doilea joc [The Second Game] (2013) and Fotball Infinit [Infinite Football] (2018). After his film studies at the University of Bucharest, he directed his first feature film A fost sau n-a fost? [12:08 East of Bucharest]. The film takes place in Romania sixteen years after the revolution of 1989 and provides a bitingly humorous inventory of Romanian society. The film won many prizes, including the Golden Camera at Cannes in 2006. Next came Politist, adjectiv [Police, Adjective] (2009) and Comoara [The Treasure] (2015), each mixing absurdity with the humour and realistic drama that make Porumboiu one of the emblematic figures of the rebirth of Romanian cinema. In 2019, La Gomera [The Whistlers] is nominated for the Golden Palm at Cannes.

  • 12h08 East of Bucharest (2006)  Police, adjective (2009)  When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism (2013)  The Second Game (2013)  The Treasure (2015)  Football infini (2018)  The Whistlers (2019)

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